čtvrtek 18. října 2012

London sights

Here is a slide show of famous London sights  - check it out!

Can you solve this quiz? Use the Internet to help you.
You can browse Wikipedia or Google. Find out how good at finding information you are. ;)

Other activities:



Past Simple or Past Continuous?
again - feel free to use a dictionary or your workbook (for past tense of verbs)



středa 10. října 2012

MY FAMILY - vocabulary practice

Hi everyone!
Let's practice the vocabulary concerning FAMILY. There are several links that will lead you to the pages with activities.
Pay attention and ask your teacher - if needed- by rising your hand.

1) word snake (all)

2) word snake 2 (all)

3) scrambled letters (all)

4) Family members (5,6)

Who's who? (5,6)

My Family - The Simpsons (8,9)

Family and jobs (9)